
Posts Tagged ‘earth day’

Ayala Land recently launched its 2012 sustainability campaign last January 22 with a theme, “Appreciating Earth”, by practicing sustainable operations in all of its projects and developments.

Celebrating Earth’s Day this month of April is a call for us to start and continue our ways of practicing sustainable acts to help or planet. Let’s show the world how ‘green’ we truly are by simply practicing sustainable and pro-environmental steps the smallest/easiest way possible. There are lot of ways to appreciate Earth but, sometimes we are not aware of these smallest act.

” this might not be new, but they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things take root”.

Let’s start by  simply turning off our lights and computers at night. We can save energy and we can benefit for its cooling effect, as lights adds heat to a room. By turning off our computer, instead of leaving it in sleep mode, we can save a  daily consumption of watts/hour.

When eating, let’s not use too much paper napkins and straw for our drink. By using less napkins and straws, we can save more than a billion pounds each year.

Taking a shorter shower can save more than ten gallons of water and taking a shower with your partner (couple) is also a good choice with some other added benefits.

Using reusable bags are much better than plastic bags. It is inexpensive and a good start to lessen the plastic bags in the storage cabinet. Recycling is a plus point for mother Earth.
shop here *it is also good to shop and pay bills online and receive electronic statements instead of paper.

Buy your own coffee mug. It cuts down the waste and can keep your beverage hot for much a longer time. You can even have a 2% discount on coffee shops for your daily morning coffee.

Simple things can make a difference! Let’s make baby steps towards a greener perspective to show our love for the Earth. We can be Earth’s mighty Jedi. Let’s Save Us.

Fill up your commitment: I APPRECIATE EARTH by ______

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